Communication Club

Engaging content, ready to share with your members, easy-to-plan event ideas. Enjoy complimentary webinar access and replays, bonus content and events, plus pop-up coaching sessions to keep you at the top of your game. And in 2024, complimentary attendance at one (1) Strategy Session.

Communication Club Membership is designed to transform your role in the club from Communicator to Connection Builder with the pre-made content, webinar replays, and the host of event ideas delivered to you each month.

Creative Content and Actionable Ideas 

Transform your role in the club from Communicator to Connection Builder with the pre-made content, webinar replays, and the host of event ideas delivered to you each month.

How many times a week have you said, "I wish I had someone to help me with social media and email," or something to the tune of, "We need just a few more casual events on the calendar next month." Or maybe you really want to network with your fellow Communication Directors. Join the club! We've all been there. And that's why the Communication Club was created - to give you some assistance when the schedule gets tight and you need a break and to grow our community of communication professionals.

The Communication Club delivers made-for-you engaging content and simple event ideas you can easily execute. All content is focused for the month ahead, so the content you find in August's folder helps you plan for September. The September content will help you plan for October, etc. Communication Club Members get complimentary access to all paid webinars, and all webinars are available in the webinar replay folder, so you never miss a topic. And now in 2024, complimentary attendance at one (1) Strategy Session. This membership is your virtual assistant for your success!

Each month you will receive:

  • Complimentary access + to all Idea Exchanges (free) and Education Sessions (Webinar Value $97 Each). Idea Exchange + Webinar replays will be available in your membership folders so you never miss a session, and can access when it's convenient for you! Any handouts or materials will also be provided to you. (This benefit alone is worth the membership fee of $107 p/month)
  • Complimentary access to one (1) Strategy Session (Session Value $197 Each) in 2024.
  • A calendar of national and global holidays, hashtag holidays, historic dates and fun celebrations for the following month. In this excel document, you can customize the format and add your member events, too.
  • Three+ images, Made-for-You content you can use in social media, email or newsletters for next month (Hashtag Holidays or a monthly theme, like National Alzheimer's Awareness Month)
  • Three+ event ideas you can easily execute the following month. The content shared this month helps you plan ahead for next month.
  • Additional best practices, tips, advice, articles to keep you current and on trend - above what’s included in the Tuesday Tips Weekly Email

  • Belong to a community of magnificent private club professionals and enjoy pop-up coaching sessions and webinars

  • Bonus Content & Exclusive Events

  • Support from Shanna via comment section, email or scheduled call

The Communication Club membership is $107 p/month p/person. When you subscribe annually for $1070 p/year, you receive 2 months free! 

Join Today!


The Communication Club was created for YOU!

The Private Clubs Online Communication Club offers advice and support for the Membership, Member Communication & Member Relations teams. You are the one who "makes it happen," who "gets it done!" You deserve a little help and support. That's what the Communication Club is all about - serving YOU!

Join Today!


Highland Country Club

Shanna does not disappoint!  She provides great information, real world examples, and wonderful resource tools for you to refer to later.  I highly recommend Shanna's Workshops to both the newcomer and veteran in the private club industry, there is something shared that will resonate with everyone to enhance their skills. -  Amy Minnix

The Peninsula Club

Shanna was unbelievably helpful. She is not only very informative and full of wonderful advice, she speaks about clubs and the business in a way that makes you want to step your game up. I am walking away from her workshop with organizational tools and ideas that I don’t know how I have lived without before. I am also walking away excited and energized. - Lindsey Kreger

San Diego Yacht Club

Shanna is such a pleasure to learn from. She works hard to make her sessions casual and open for discussion at any point. She’s knowledgeable in Club Communications and makes you think outside of the box and change some of your club priorities. - Casey Allocco

Live Support

Shanna will hold live office hours and is available by email if questions pop up or you need clarification.

Budget Friendly

For the cost of $107 per month, you are receiving well over $2500 worth of consultation and materials.

Secure Platform

The courses and membership are built on the Kajabi platform. It is built to be user friendly and super secure. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Meet Shanna...

Shanna Bright is the Founder of Private Clubs Online and Bright Life Media. Her career in private clubs began as the Member Relations Director at City Club Los Angeles. Through Private Clubs Online, more than 1000 clubs across the US and internationally have participated in PCO programs. Shanna has spoken with several CMAA Chapters and has presented at national conferences for CMAA, CSCM, Asian Club Managers, ACCP and PCMA. She developed the online courses and membership program to deliver actionable strategies to improve engagement, communication and retention.